Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thinking outside the box

I've downloaded a few new games on my iphone and one of the them is "the impossible game". The game pride itself in having questions that require the players to think outside the box. What does it mean to think outside the box? It means to come up with a creative way to solve a problem. It means not to look for obvious answers, but to look beyond all that. Needless to say, I suck at this game. I mean, I can't even get past the first few rounds. Why? Because I'm taught to think inside the box. I'm used to thinking in a conventional way, not creatively. Someone once said: We are taught to think inside the box. Then we are taught to think outside the box. What I want us to ask is, Who put the box there? I think the answer is, we set our own boxes. Each one of us box our own thought process.

This got me thinking, you know what else I box with my little head? The power of God. I think it's a mistake we all make. We all know our God is an almighty God. His power is infinite and He is the creator of all things. The truth is, we would never be able to truly comprehend how powerful He is with our head. Even though we all know that He is powerful, why is it that we all have the tendency to limit His power? I mean, how many times have we prayed about something but doubting that our prayer will be answered? How many times did we think that something is impossible that we don't even bring it before God? How many times did we have trouble saying "amen" because we don't think the event can happen?

I read a testimony written by a missionary doctor in Africa recently. She wrote that her orphanage has just received a premature baby and they didn't have anything to keep him warm at night. Even though they live on the equator, it is still very chilly at night. Their last hot water bottle is broken, so they desperately needed one to keep the baby warm at night. So she told this situation to a ten years old girl in her orphanage and the little girl prayed. She asked God to send the orphanage a hot water bottle that very afternoon. The doctor wrote that she couldn't even say "amen" to the prayer because she didn't believe it was possible. Why would anyone think of sending a hot water bottle to a country on the equator? She has been in Africa for 4 months and no one has send them anything. Then that very afternoon, a packaged arrived and in it was a hot water bottle that was sent out more than 5 months ago. The little girl said, see, I know God would answer my prayer. She never once doubt God's power and His faithfulness.

If I was in that situation, my thought would have been the same as the doctor's. I mean, logically, it's just not possible. But the truth of the matter is, God doesn't need to be explained logically by us, He is not limited by our so-called logic. His power is beyond all that. Here is the God who created each one of us, who parted the red sea to save His people, who fed 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fishes, who turned water into wine, who died and resurrected for our sins...All these that happened can not be explained by logic or reasoning. We will never to able to grasp the extend of His power. But what we need to do is to have a childlike faith. It's time for us to take God out of the box we placed and trust in His power and faithfulness.
"Jesus looked at them and said: With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

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