Sunday, April 10, 2011

A year older and a year wiser? :D

Cakes and birthday dinners later, I have turned a year older. Some people say, one year older and one year wiser. Not in my case, I really don't feel any wiser, but I do feel like I've gotten more life experiences under my belt.

How does it feel turning 27? I have to admit, I was totally dreading it. I wasn't apprehending it because I feared getting older, nooo, I was apprehending it because I felt like I didn't hit some of the milestones I needed to hit when I'm 27. I'm not going to bore you with the details, but it just felt like I didn't achieve some of the things I'm expected to achieve by the time I'm 27. Then one day, I had one of those "eureka moment". It was the moment when I questioned, who set these darn milestones anyways? I mean, is it me or society? And by society, I meant my parents, :P Anyways, it occurred to me that it actually didn't matter that much to me that these milestones weren't hit, but I felt like I'm expected to hit them. The truth is, I am so thankful for my life. I feel like I am at the place I wanted to be at age 27. I am surrounded by such wonderful family and friends. I have the opportunities to do the things I am passionate about. I am loved and supported by people all around me, people who accept me regardless of my weaknesses and mistakes. Finally, I have the true God who loves me unconditionally.

Now a little reflection on last year. There is no doubt that the 26th year of my life was a tough year. It was probably the most eventful year of my life so far. There were quite a bit of ups and downs to say the least, many losses, many gains, many laughters, many tears... at the same time, it was the year I grew the most both emotionally and spiritually. I celebrated my 26th birthday with a bang. It just happened to be during my very first mission trip. It was wonderful celebrating it with my new friends and team mates. It was the start of beautiful friendships that hopefully will last a lifetime. It was also wonderful to be able to start my 26th year doing something I'm passionate about, being a part of something I felt called to be a part of. We were a team with one purpose, to share Jesus's love with others. At the same time, we were a team held together by His love. There is no friendship like the friendships built during a mission trip because of all the emotions we've experienced together. I am so thankful for this whole experience and for the people who were part of this adventure with me.

Anyways, I knew the 26th year would be exciting from the start, I just didn't know it would be this exciting. Many times throughout the year I felt like I was on a roller coaster ride, I was being pulled up and down, left and  right, yanked in all directions. But God was like that safety belt on the roller coaster, even though I was being tossed all around, He had kept me safe and sound. Through all the roller coaster actions, I've learned many lessons, reflected on many of my mistakes, and grew exponentially in my faith. For this I am so thankful. As I pray about the 27th year of my life, I am reminded of one verse.
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33
Now five cakes later, I am officially 27! And I can honestly say, I am happy and proud to be a year older. To all the people in my life, old friends and new friends, I am so blessed to be on this life journey with you. Here to another year of learning, growth, adventures, peace, and indescribable joy together!

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