Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Abide in God

I was reading Our Daily Bread today and the message really spoke to me. In the message, the author Jennifer Benson Schuldt described of an instance where she bought a red balloon in a store, and while she was loading the car, the balloon flew away. As she watched the balloon fly away, she described how it became a red dot in the distance, then just a memory. Then the author compared this to the way love sometimes vanishes from lives. This love she described could be children, spouse, friends, or parents, regardless who it is, they could all disappear from our life. She ended the message reminding us that only God's love is steady.

This message was interesting for me because it's something I've been thinking about. It is true that people change, life change, circumstances change, but only God is a never changing God.
"For I the Lord do not change;" Malachi 3: 6
It's just so comforting for me to know that although everything around me could change or is changing, God will always be the constant that will never change, and I can centre myself on Him. Only God's love is steadfast. Jesus said
"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love." John 15:9
Only when we abide in Him, we can find peace and comfort. As for the people in our life, I believe that God put each person in our life for a reason. Whether they are just passing by or here to stay, they leave their footprints behind. With these footprints left, we become who we are today. 

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